Walk-In Cooler/Freezer

Panel Assembly Instructions:

The following instructions show how to relocate the pins in the Louisville Cooler patented pin rails if the panels need to be reconfigured from the original design.

Place ¼” x 1” roll pin in stand to hold pin while screwdriver is inserted. Position pin with slot up.

Insert screwdriver into pin by tapping with hammer.

Holding pin parallel to pin bar, insert into pin bar at predetermined

Rotate pin 900 into track and remove screwdriver.

Grasp Pin with pliers.

Rotate the pliers 30 degrees to lock into place.

Cooler Decision Checklist

Reach Out

We make it easy. Easy to develop specifications. Easy to order. Easy on installation.

All these and more pre-planning questions will get you the cooler you require. If you have not already prepared your specifications, let us help you design the best cooler or freezer possible for your needs.

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